The island, as vibrant as it gets, is with no doubt a hub in the heart of the middle east. Geographically, the island has been sitting at the crossroads trade route between Asia, Africa & Europe. With major sound attractions, the island has managed to attract almost three million tourists this past year. The island has also witnessed an imperative growth in the real estate market sector due to its low tax system, and much affordable prices. Cyprus, has been also at the foresight of many international businesses for headquartering purposes, which has also caused a major demand for real estate.
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This has been a major attraction in the island! Cyprus has one of the lowest / most attractive tax rates with 12.5% corporate tax rate.
The Cyprus Government, in its continuous effort to attract foreign investments, has adopted a range of policies that allow third country individuals (non-EU citizens) to obtain Permanent Residence Permit in Cyprus (PRP). Permanent Residence Permit (PRP) is easily obtained for people who purchase property. The advantage is that, unlike temporary permits for third country nationals, PRPs are permanent and they do not have to be renewed. Hence, the obtaining of a PRP by a third country national could be very useful for various reasons. You contact our customer service for the proper guidance.